J and J IP provides online registration of domestic and international Trademarks and is fully equipped for the same.
Why Trademark Registration Important
Trademark is the most important asset in business and therefore known as Intellectual property. It has a definite value and same can be sold, mortgaged or licensed as any other physical property. It is therefore important that you carefully guard it from infringers or copy cats. Your Trademark need to be maintained by qualified and experienced Trademark attorneys and same cannot be handled carelessly by a rookie in the field or a consultant who is not a Registered trademark attorney or agent. While applying for a Trademark registration in India, you must make sure that your interests are fully protected and that it is future proof. Only qualified, experienced, capable and specialized lawyers can guide you and help you in protecting your valuable trademark. If you entrust the same to inexperienced person for the reason that his charges are cheaper then you will end up risking your trademark and causing you loss of money by way of unnecessary litigation.
Trademark registration in India
Trademark is directly filed with the Trademark Registry of India. For South Indian applicant’s appropriate office is Trademark registry, Chennai. For foreign entities it could be in any jurisdiction where their Trademark agent is situated. Before applying for a trademark, one should search the availability to make sure that the name is available or not for registration. It is ideal that an applicant contact an experienced Trademark attorney to ascertain the availability as to whether a particular mark can be registered or not, whether the mark may encounter objections or opposition from third parties etc.. Trademark can be a business name or Trade name or Brand name in the form of word mark, logo or label. Slogan or captions or taglines or even domain names can be registered as Trademark provided it is unique ie. it is not copied or taken from somewhere. Soon after you file application, you are entitled to use “TM” or “SM”.
Trademark registration services by J and J IP Management Services
J and J IP has an exclusive/ unique processing procedure for filing the trademark application and applications are filed as soon as possible. Applications are prepared by Trademark attorneys and under goes three tier check before same is filed to avoid errors. Clients will receive the online application feedback of trademark by email and will also receive a hard copy of registration certificate through postal service when same gets registered. Clients are not bothered unless necessary during the registration process period of around 1-2 years. Each client is entrusted with a Client service executive who takes care of all the requirements. We have a highly experienced Trademark attorneys for handling process like Trademark search, filing and all procedures needed for Trademark Registration, Renewal and maintenance. Trademark attorneys of J and J IP is one of the best available in Asia –Pacific region and are capable of handling any complicated issues. Firm can also support you throughout your growth phase. Firm is capable of handling international matters and has one of the largest network of lawyers, law firms and consultants who can handle anything from forming a company, finding market, registration and maintenance of brand, technology transfer, agreements, joint ventures and mergers, acquisition, litigation and arbitration support in any country and before any courts. Joachim and Janson IP has dedicated and authorized legal experts with many years of experience in all business domain who very well understands the need of businessmen, scientists, technocrats, industrialists and entrepreneurs. Read more Trademark Registration in India
Why Trademark Registration Important
Trademark is the most important asset in business and therefore known as Intellectual property. It has a definite value and same can be sold, mortgaged or licensed as any other physical property. It is therefore important that you carefully guard it from infringers or copy cats. Your Trademark need to be maintained by qualified and experienced Trademark attorneys and same cannot be handled carelessly by a rookie in the field or a consultant who is not a Registered trademark attorney or agent. While applying for a Trademark registration in India, you must make sure that your interests are fully protected and that it is future proof. Only qualified, experienced, capable and specialized lawyers can guide you and help you in protecting your valuable trademark. If you entrust the same to inexperienced person for the reason that his charges are cheaper then you will end up risking your trademark and causing you loss of money by way of unnecessary litigation.
Trademark registration in India
Trademark is directly filed with the Trademark Registry of India. For South Indian applicant’s appropriate office is Trademark registry, Chennai. For foreign entities it could be in any jurisdiction where their Trademark agent is situated. Before applying for a trademark, one should search the availability to make sure that the name is available or not for registration. It is ideal that an applicant contact an experienced Trademark attorney to ascertain the availability as to whether a particular mark can be registered or not, whether the mark may encounter objections or opposition from third parties etc.. Trademark can be a business name or Trade name or Brand name in the form of word mark, logo or label. Slogan or captions or taglines or even domain names can be registered as Trademark provided it is unique ie. it is not copied or taken from somewhere. Soon after you file application, you are entitled to use “TM” or “SM”.
Trademark registration services by J and J IP Management Services
J and J IP has an exclusive/ unique processing procedure for filing the trademark application and applications are filed as soon as possible. Applications are prepared by Trademark attorneys and under goes three tier check before same is filed to avoid errors. Clients will receive the online application feedback of trademark by email and will also receive a hard copy of registration certificate through postal service when same gets registered. Clients are not bothered unless necessary during the registration process period of around 1-2 years. Each client is entrusted with a Client service executive who takes care of all the requirements. We have a highly experienced Trademark attorneys for handling process like Trademark search, filing and all procedures needed for Trademark Registration, Renewal and maintenance. Trademark attorneys of J and J IP is one of the best available in Asia –Pacific region and are capable of handling any complicated issues. Firm can also support you throughout your growth phase. Firm is capable of handling international matters and has one of the largest network of lawyers, law firms and consultants who can handle anything from forming a company, finding market, registration and maintenance of brand, technology transfer, agreements, joint ventures and mergers, acquisition, litigation and arbitration support in any country and before any courts. Joachim and Janson IP has dedicated and authorized legal experts with many years of experience in all business domain who very well understands the need of businessmen, scientists, technocrats, industrialists and entrepreneurs. Read more Trademark Registration in India
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