Trademark Registration Kerala

Trademark of a business is distinct and unique that symbolizes business identity. Registration of trademark is done according to the prevailing Trademarks Act of 1999 and Trademarks Rules of 2002.Having a trademark matters the most while running a business. Here are some advantages of having a trademark:

•    Trademarks serve the purpose of advertising for your product or company. This brings awareness among the public about the product.
•    It adds identity to your company making it distinct from the competitors.
•    Using of trademark is an exclusive right of the company.
•    Trademark serves as a backbone and evidence during any kind of legal issues.

As trademark hold a lot of benefits, it is important for a company to choose unique and alluring trademark. Only registered trademarks will be considered in case of any legal proceedings.

Registration of trademark differs in different countries. The entities that require registration have to file applications in the respective country, area or locality. However, companies, which aim at reducing expenses towards registration, have an option. The Madrid protocol is a universal platform where companies or individual can register trademarks. It is an international agreement for the protection of trademark. About 91 countries are members of Madrid protocol. India is also a member and the major benefit of the system is that it is cost effective. It would reduce the cost of manifold applications and simplifies the process. Decision of granting international trademark lies with the contracting party.

As professional, we undertake to complete your registration formalities for trademark. A group of highly efficient lawyers will take care of all the requirements and submit applications on your behalf. Therefore, registration in other countries is never an issue. Read more on Trademark Registration Kerala India.

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