Copyright Registration formalities in India

Copyright means an exclusive right given to the owner or creator in diverse fields like film, literature, music, book, art etc for enjoying sole ownership. Copyright thwart others from unauthorized duplicating of work. Issuance of copyright is a token of appreciation for the unique work and to motivate creativity. An official registration of copyright is not mandatory however; taking precautionary measures will protect the work. One of the effective measures is to use the international copyright symbol along with the name of the author and year on publication.

Procedure for Indian copyright registration

A copyright is registered according to the Indian Copyright Act. It is important to understand about the benefits of copyright registration. Indian customs maintain a record of registered copyrights therefore; the owner gets a complete protection of work. In case of any violations of copyrights, registered copyrights can serve as evidence in the court of law. People who can apply for the copyright are owners, for example, director and producer of a film, author of a book, sound record producer and so on.

Step-by-step guide to complete copyright registration

•    The owner can register his creative work for copyrights in India by submitting a separate application for each of his/her works at the copyright office in New Delhi.
•    The applicant should remit the relevant fee along with the application.
•    The copyright office will issue a filing date, a receipt and a filing number for the registration.
•    Examination of the application will be done as long as there are no objections.
•    The office will issue a registration certificate on satisfying all the conditions.
•     In cases, where there are objections, the owner has to respond within a month. The office will provide an opportunity where both parties can express the objections.
•    Published or unpublished work can apply for copyright registration.

Conditions for obtaining copyright
Any work that is original and genuine is eligible to obtain a copyright. Grant of copyrights lasts for a term and it varies with different kinds of work. The maximum period of the grant is sixty years.

Copyright infringement
The term explains an act of work duplication, broadcasting, distribution to the public, modifying the work without obtaining permission from the owner. Read more about Copyright Registration in India.

1 comment:

  1. For creative professionals, it is very important that whatever they write or create, it should be CR protected. Original works of authorship such as literary, cinematographic, artistic and sound recording can be protected by CR.

    Rim Sanson,
    visit Uptra
